My Rattlesnake post of a few weeks ago, Is Zaadz a Den of Rattlesnakes!? was all a test to separate the first-tier from Integral second- and third-tier folks.
As many of you know by now, Wilber revealed in his blog today that his post on Jun 8, What We Are, What We See, was really all a test. [See the follow-up post What We Are, What We See, Part II.]
Ken contacted me and said that he also wanted to test and play with some other people he works we, so I worked with him to develop the Rattlesnake post. It was a great, great honor to be contacted by him for this project. I had exchanged emails with him a couple of times over the years, and I know he was aware of my blog -- but just imagine my surprize.
So. The deal with the Rattlesnake post and your reactions to it are the same as with Wilber's 'What We See, What We Are' post.
Here is how the assessment works:
This is Bill Maher on the type of awareness that pervades this country—and, of course, its blogosphere.So, if you are part of the crusty 2%, be aware that Ken will be contacting you. If not, you know where you are.I wouldn’t ever say there’s censorship in this country. But there’s a lot of peer pressure. Because when anybody says anything that’s the least bit feather ruffling, everybody just goes nuts. If anybody in this country is forced to undergo a single moment of discomfort, the person who caused it just must go away.Maher is probably right about perhaps 98% of this gosh darn country, and its blogosphere, where, if feathers are ruffled, out come rants that are depressingly predictable in structure, tone, and form. But the reason I love the blogosphere is for the 2% that are not predictable, that do not merely rant against the moment of discomfort (and its cause), but rather stand above the herd mentality and post from second tier. I’ll come back to that 2% in a moment. Because if you are in that 2%, I’d really like to speak with you.
Peace and high regards,